Well my friends, it is almost that time of year again. Are you ready for the BACK TO SCHOOL season? We here at the Byerly home are in full-on prep mode.
New Clothes ✓ School supplies ✓ Registration ✓ School pictures ✓
Locker Decorating ✓
Mom needs a drink ✓✓
We have a few small things left to do but are well on our way!
Having 4 girls that are so spread apart in age makes for an interesting back to school experience. Caity is going into 10th grade but attends online high school from home. Her back to school to-do list consists of online course approval, text book purchases and making sure there are enough sweat pants and snacks to last through the week.
Emma is now in 8th grade and has the largest back to school to-do list.
-Buy new clothes
-Buy new school supplies
-Buy/create locker decor
-Register at the school: pay fees, pick up PE clothing, have school ID picture taken, have school pictures taken, find locker, try locker combo 372 times until it actually opens said locker and then proceed to stick more decor into a 3 square foot space than anyone could possibly imagine would fit!
-Complain about not having enough school supplies.
-Complain about not having enough new clothes.
-Complain about not having the latest and greatest locker decor- apparently she needs a new chandelier. ;-)
The list goes on...
Her before and almost finished with decorating locker pics and some of her hand painted decor. (Made- of course- with
Chalky & CO products!)
Paige is starting kindergarten this year. Yay! or I am going to cry! It varies minute to minute. Her back to school to-do list was pretty simple.
-Buy clothes
-Buy backpack
-Write $20 check to teacher to cover all supplies (My favorite part!!)
I also painted a
Chalky & CO kit for her to hold in her first day of school pictures.
I am pretty excited about that part!
I am glad that everyone is excited and in prep mode. I am even more excited that there won't constantly be 4 Little Byerlys in the house 24 hours each day. Don't get me wrong. I love my girls. I live for my girls. My girls are however driving me crazy. Haha. Momma needs some quite time!
I did take an hour to gather the girls and take a few pictures in front of the corn field to commemorate the fall season here in Colorful Colorado. It is impossible to get everyone to look at the camera and smile and that same time and not have a silly expression on their face or have a piece of hair in their eyes... etc. We got a handful of shots that turned out pretty cute though.
Thanks for stopping by and checking in on my #4littlebyerlys.
Have a great day and best of luck with all of your back to school experiences!